Loculi Design is a fusion of nature & culture through sustainable building, ecological design, watershed restoration, environmental education, and the arts.
Cultivating cultural landscapes such with a variety of functions such as plants for dyes, fibers, herbs, medicines, fruits, and vegetables that are adapted to various eco-regions. Regenerating biological diversity by creating ecological habitats such as wildlife & pollinator corridors within urban and rural environments. We aim to develop a unique relationship to each place in order to restore balance while enhancing a sustainable co-existence between humanity and nature.
Design is essential in order to develop sustainable ways of living in a diversity of environments. This is accomplished through site specific design, innovative technologies, with the use of local and natural building materials that reflect a sense of place.
Creating a sense of place through art rooted in the environment, site specific sustainable architecture, and a diversity of ecological habitats are the core principles of Loculi Design.